Time: 6:00pm
Who’s involved: Me, Charles, Wing Sze, Ivan, Audrey and Frances
Location: Charles's Home, Wa Fu
We went to have barbeque on Wed. At first, we’re supposed to do the normal barbeque using charcoal. But there’s no more space because it’s too crowed there (it’s free anyway…). So we went to Charles home to have barbeque. However, it’s not free. It cost us HKD 60 for each person (Frances paid for me though). I ate a lot of Salmon and Mushroom. The mushroom was so huge, which was as big as my head. We also played BB guns but Frances got hurt unfortunately. In fact, it was me who shot her (please don’t tell her if you read this. She doesn’t know yet. At last, we played a game in which someone hided a glow stick and the rest of us needed to find it. When it’s Frances’s turn to hide it, she threw to a pool, thinking that nobody could find it. That’s quite bad, I think. After 3 hours of eating and playing, we went home at around 9:30pm. It was a wonderful night, haha. I just wanted to sleep when I returned home.
Fishhhhhhhh! the fish is the most yump food in the BBQ thing.
Ohand the Mshroommmmmm! it is realy bigger then my head.
I cook these rahahaha......
This is Charles. He was pretending to cook!gerrrrrr!